Immigration to Australia

Attention: This article is provided for informational purposes only. All information is taken from the official Australian Government website, and cannot be used as a personal immigration advice.


The immigration process to Australia can be broadly divided into three stages:

Temporary Visa (for study, work, or business)

Permanent Residency


However, some applicant categories can skip the first stage and directly apply for residency if they meet specific requirements. We will discuss this in more detail below.


Skilled Migration Program

Australia has several lists of qualifications that are in high demand, and there are no local workers available for these positions. To immigrate to Australia under these professions, applicants need to validate their qualifications with the relevant organizations, possess a proficient level of English, and score the required pass mark of 65 points. Points are awarded based on age, work experience, education obtained in Australia, etc. After this, you can express your interest on the immigration department's website. If invited, you can apply for a Skilled Independent visa, which allows you to move to the country and search for employment and housing at your own discretion.

Applicants can also be nominated by a specific Australian state or territory in need of such specialists. In this case, the candidate must work and reside in that region for a specified period, usually no less than 2 years.

There are also lists of in-demand professions for temporary and provisional work visas, which encompass a wider range of qualifications. According to these lists, there is a chance to obtain a temporary or provisional work visa if you find an employer willing to sponsor you. After 3-4 years of working in your specialty, you can apply for Permanent Residency (PR). Workers must also meet criteria related to age, work experience, and English language proficiency. If the employer sponsors the worker under the regional program, the employee must work for this specific employer in that particular region.


  Education programs

It is important to note that there is no official pathway for immigration through education. However, a well-planned education strategy can lead to obtaining permanent residency and Australian citizenship. After completing 2 years of study at an Australian university, graduates are eligible for a work visa allowing them to seek employment in their field of study. The duration of the visa varies from 18 months to 4 years, depending on the level of the diploma or degree. Being physically present in the country and having a work visa makes it much easier to find a job compared to job hunting from abroad. This pathway is suitable for:

High school graduates wishing to receive high-quality international education recognized worldwide.

Professionals whose qualifications are not in high demand.

Those who have not found an employer willing to sponsor them.

Individuals seeking to enhance their qualifications and gain additional points through Australian education.

During their studies, students and their partners (if applicable) are allowed to work part-time, providing valuable local experience before seeking full-time employment.


Immigration for Entrepreneurs

Since July 1, 2021, entrepreneurs can move to Australia only through temporary visa types. You can either start a new business or continue an existing one. Those wishing to operate a business in Australia can first obtain a 5-year temporary visa. After a minimum of three successful years in business, they can apply for permanent residency. The minimum required initial capital is 1.25 million Australian dollars. You also need to present your business plan and meet English language proficiency requirements (IELTS 6.0 for each test component).


Immigration for Investors

Investors can immigrate to Australia through the same provisional visa system as entrepreneurs: a 5-year provisional visa with subsequent application for permanent residency. There are three investment streams based on the amount of capital you are willing to invest:


Investor Stream:

Be younger than 55 years old.

Invest 1.5 million Australian dollars in an Australian state or territory.

Score at least 65 points on the test.

Have a company's net profit, investments, and personal assets of at least 2.25 million Australian dollars.


Significant Investor Stream:

Be nominated by the executive authority of a state or territory or by Austrade.

Invest a minimum of 5 million Australian dollars according to specific requirements.

Have a genuine intention to maintain these investments for at least 4 years.

Have a genuine intention to reside in the state or territory that nominates you.


Premium Investor Stream:

Be nominated by Austrade.

Invest a minimum of 15 million Australian dollars in Australian investments and/or charitable donations meeting specific requirements.

Have a genuine intention to maintain the investments for the entire visa period.

There are no age restrictions for large and premium investors. However, all investors must confirm that they have at least functional English skills (overall IELTS 4.5 or equivalent).


How to start without English  Knowledge

As you can see, English proficiency is necessary for job searching, university admission, and conducting business in Australia. Therefore, it is impossible to move with absolutely no knowledge of the English language. However, you can initially come to Australia for language courses to improve your English to the required level. During this time, you can familiarize yourself with the country, meet different people, and assess your immigration opportunities.

Visas in Australia

Visitor Visa

A visitor visa is issued for tourism, visiting relatives and friends, medical treatment, as well as short-term business trips, such as negotiations or participation in conferences, exhibitions, or seminars. The visa is granted for the period required for the visit, but not exceeding 12 months. Citizens of certain countries can obtain a multiple-entry visa for 12 months. However, the stay in the country with this visa is limited to 3 to 6 months from the date of entry. You cannot work on a visitor visa; however, citizens of some countries can apply for a work and holiday visa, allowing work and travel in Australia for up to 4 months. 

You can study for up to 3 months on a visitor visa. If you wish to study for a longer period, it is better to apply for a student visa.


Student Visas for Study and Training

A student visa is granted for a period of study, not exceeding 5 years. The student visa can be issued for one program of study or multiple courses if there is a Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE) for each course. In most cases, an equivalent to IELTS 6.0 certificate is required to prove language proficiency.


Work Visas

If you want to work full-time in Australia, you need a work visa. Different visa options are available based on your qualifications and country of residence. Some work visas allow temporary work in Australia (from 6 months to 4 years, depending on the visa). There are also temporary visas that allow applying for residency after a specific period of work, subject to meeting certain conditions.


Resident Visas

Resident visas allow holders to stay in Australia permanently. They can work, study, travel to and from Australia, and use Australian healthcare and social services. Permanent residency can be obtained through various pathways, such as employment, business, or investments. Resident visas usually have strict requirements, and some are points-based, so it may take time to accumulate enough points. Depending on qualifications and circumstances, some applicants can apply for a resident visa directly even if they are outside Australia. However, due to high pass marks in recent years, studying or working in Australia has become the primary route to obtaining permanent residency.


Family and Partner Visas

If you want to go to Australia with your family, there are various visa options for partners and children. For some visas (such as student visas), you can include your partner and children in your visa application. In some cases, family members need to apply for their own visas. If you plan to marry an Australian citizen or resident, there is a prospective marriage visa, which is granted for up to 9 months to enter into a marriage. After the wedding, you can apply for a partner visa.

Bridging Visas

Bridging visas are temporary visas issued when you are in Australia, have applied for a new visa, and are waiting for a decision, but your current visa has expired. This type of visa allows you to stay in Australia lawfully while waiting for the outcome of your new visa application. In most cases, you can work on a bridging visa, but it depends on whether your current or applied-for visa allows work. Therefore, carefully review the conditions of your bridging visa if it has been granted.

You can find a comprehensive list of Australian visas on the official website of the Australian government.

Family Immigration

Australia offers excellent conditions for raising children, characterized by a safe and friendly environment, outstanding education, and exceptional infrastructure. However, for families planning a move or those who have recently arrived in Australia, it is crucial to be aware of Australian regulations and potential costs associated with placing a child in daycare or school. In this article, we have gathered information to help clarify these issues.

Family Visas

Depending on the type of visa you hold, there are options for including your partner and dependent children. For most visa categories such as student visas, work visas, business visas, or residency visas, the primary applicant can include family members in their application. This means that the decision on granting visas for the entire family will be made within a single application. However, if, for any reason, you couldn't include your family members in your initial visa application and have already submitted your visa application for processing, you cannot add them later. In this case, your partner and children will need to submit separate visa applications as subsequent applicants, and their entry will be considered separately.

Family Members, You Can Include in Your Visa Application

First and foremost, this includes your spouse or de facto partner. Official marriage and marriage certificates are not mandatory, but it's essential to prove that your relationship is genuine and stable. Brief dates or online relationships are not considered.

You can also include your dependent children in the application. A dependent child is defined as:

Your child or your partner's child from current or previous relationships.

Not married, engaged, or in a de facto relationship.

Wholly or substantially reliant on you for basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter).

Under 18 years old.

Usually, partners receive similar visas with comparable rights to the primary applicants. For example, partners of students with Student visas (Subclass 500) also obtain student visas. Therefore, they can work up to 40 hours every two weeks during the academic year and unrestricted hours during school breaks. The exception applies to partners of Master's and Doctoral students who can work unlimited hours once the main student commences their course.

A single parent arriving in Australia on a Child Guardian visa (Subclass 590) accompanying a child under 18 years old does not have work rights in Australia.m description


Childcare Centers in Australia

Preschool education in Australia is typically designed for children aged 3 to 5 years old. However, there are childcare centres that accept infants as young as 3 months old. Children have the freedom to play both indoors and outdoors, choosing activities based on their interests. There are designated areas within the facility for drawing, modelling, crafts, and more. If a child needs assistance, caregivers are always nearby, ready to offer help. Childcare centers in Australia are staffed exclusively by individuals with specialized education and a genuine love for children. Therefore, children are always supervised by qualified and attentive personnel, ensuring a safe and friendly environment. 

There are three main types of preschool institutions in Australia:

Child Care Centers or Long Day Care:

Child Care Centers, also known as Long Day Care, are the most popular form of preschool education. These centers provide care for children throughout the whole or part of the day, for up to 12 hours a day. However, the cost can be relatively high, ranging from AU$70 to AU$188 per day.

Kindergarten or Pre-school:


Kindergartens are primarily attended by children who will enter primary school the following year. Often, kindergartens share the same premises with primary schools, giving priority to children who will attend the school in the future. The operating hours are similar to school hours (from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM), and there are holidays and breaks. The cost of kindergarten varies from AU$45 to AU$80 per day.

Family Day Care:

Family Day Care is provided at the home of an experienced certified preschool educator. Typically, these centers have a limited number of children, allowing for individualized attention and care. They also offer more flexible working hours. Family Day Care can cost between AU$7.50 to AU$16.80 per hour. 

Preschool education is fee-based for everyone, but residents can receive subsidies to reduce the costs. Child Care Subsidy is calculated individually and depends on the family's income and the number of hours each family member works per week (considering the least occupied family member). The type of preschool institution and its location also matter. To calculate the subsidy for your family, you can use this calculator. New Zealand citizens living in Australia, permanent residents of Australia, and holders of special visas can also receive government financial support up to AU$246 per child every two weeks.


How to Find a Preschool Institution:

Finding a childcare centre or kindergarten in Australia can be a challenging task as many centres are full and have long waiting lists. Therefore, it's recommended to start your search early. It's best to do this when you have already obtained visas and know exactly where you will be living in Australia. First, consider which city and area you plan to settle in and what your budget is. Afterwards, you can choose several options in your area and contact the administration to clarify enrollment details. If you are already in Australia, you can visit the childcare centre in person and meet with the director and teachers. To enrol your child in a childcare centre, you will need to provide:

Birth certificate


Proof of residential address - a copy of your lease agreement or utility bill

Your child's immunization passport (vaccination history)

You can find all childcare centres on the Australian government's website. The CareForKids resource can also help you find a suitable childcare centre, compare prices, and find a contact person for enrollment.

Schools in Australia

School education in Australia is compulsory for children aged 5 to 18 years (from Year 0 to Year 12). There are many different schools, which can be broadly categorized into two groups: public and non-government schools.

Among non-government schools, there is a wide variety, allowing parents and students to find a school that meets all their requirements. There are prestigious private schools, religious schools, and schools specializing in specific areas such as sports, science, or arts. However, approximately 70% of Australian children attend public schools.


Cost of Schools

The cost of education in a private school can reach up to AU$35,000 per year. Public schools are free for Australian citizens and residents, as well as if one of the child's parents is an Australian citizen or resident. If both parents are on temporary visas, the school fees will depend on the type of visa and the region where you plan to live, as each Australian state or territory has its own rules and fees for public schools.


Pregnancy and Childbirth in Australia

Prenatal care and childbirth in Australia can be funded by the government and private funds. State assistance is available to Australian citizens and residents under the Medicare health insurance, subsidized by the Australian government. If you are on a temporary visa, free prenatal care and childbirth services will not be available to you. You can check your eligibility for free medical assistance on the Medicare website.

Exceptions apply to residents of countries that have reciprocal healthcare agreements with Australia. These countries include:

United Kingdom




New Zealand



Republic of Ireland (except for cases when you are on a student visa)

Malta (except if you are on a student visa)

Finland (except if you are on a student visa)

Norway (except if you are on a student visa)


If free medical insurance (Medicare) does not cover you, you will need to purchase private insurance covering prenatal care and childbirth, or pay for all pregnancy and childbirth expenses yourself.

If you give birth to a child in Australia, you must notify the Immigration Department as soon as possible so they can include the child in your visa. You can do this online through your ImmiAccount by uploading the child's birth certificate, passport, and Form 1022 — Notification of changes in circumstances. Even if the child does not have a passport yet, it can be uploaded later once it is issued.

A child born in Australia has the same status and visa as their parents. Australia does not grant citizenship by birth, except in cases where at least one of the parents has residency or citizenship. If one of the parents obtains residency or Australian citizenship in the future, the child will be eligible for Australian citizenship by birth.